Heal Your Pet with Laser Therapy

posted: by: DH Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

 FREED VETERINARY HOSPITAL is excited to offer our clients Companion Laser Therapy. Laser therapy provides a non-invasive, pain-free, surgery-free, drug-free treatment which is used to treat a variety of conditions. It has shown to be very effective in assisting animals with arthritis, degenerative joint disease, or hip dysplasia and can be performed in conjunction with NSAID medications.  Relief and/or improvement is often noticed within hours depending on the condition and your pet’s response. We highly recommend adding this innovative approach to treating pain for your pet and it can be performed on a regular basis with no side effects. For many pets the feeling and relief is often what we would expect with having massage therapy.


Although NSAIDS have made a tremendous improvement in the quality of life for our companions, adding laser therapy will enhance the pain relief, reduce inflammation, and improve mobility. Most importantly, adding laser therapy can improve your pet’s quality of life during their golden years.

What are the signs that my pet can benefit from Companion Laser Therapy?

Many of our laser therapy patients are older animals with musculoskeletal ailments. Some signs that your senior companion is experiencing pain or discomfort are:

        Abnormal sitting or lying posture

        Circling multiple times before lying down


        Whining, groaning or other vocalizations

        Limping, unable to get up or lie down

        Difficulty getting into car or down stairs

        Lack of grooming

        Won’t wag tail

        Licking or biting area

        Lack of appetite


 To find out more about laser therapy and if it right for your pet, call us at 757-723-6049 for more information.