Thanksgiving Package $20
*Thanksgiving turkey dinner and treat with the staff
K9 guests will enjoy a "turkey leg" with carrot and green bean casserole and whipped cream pie for dessert. Feline guests will enjoy a filet of turkey or fish with "Temptation" dressing and whipped cream pie for dessert.
*Football watching privileges
*Keepsake Fall themed picture
Christmas Eve Package $15
*Christmas Eve dinner and treat with the staff
Out guests will enjoy "turkey medallions", sweet potato casserole and a Peanut Butter Christmas Cookie. (one for pet, one for Santa)
*Storytime (T'was the Night Before Christmas Freed Vet Hospital Edition)
Christmas Day Package $23
*Christmas breakfast
Our guests will enjoy an apply yogurt parfait and a Christmas treat
*Will get to open a Christmas present (toy or treat)
*Keepsake picture with Santa Paws
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Package Combo $33
We'll email or text your picture to you if you wish on Thanksgiving and Christmas.